JAMMED INTO A PARADOX  - Call for Submissions ︎︎︎

We’ve selected 10 works from our collection. Choose a work that speaks to you, and submit an artwork of your own you think pairs well with it. We encourage any and all ways of thinking about pairing artworks - thematically, philosophically, formally, irreverently. We invite you to submit old work or to create new work, and to share a few sentences explaining your submission.

Up to 5 submission per person. Please email each artwork submission separately to proposals@601artspace.org. In all caps, put the name of the collection work, then your last name, in the subject line. Include a few sentences of context along with your image. Submissions due Monday, May 18th at 9pm. The exhibition will be featured on our website and Instagram in June. 

Click on the collection images in the slideshow to enlarge. 

88 Eldridge St. New York, NY 10002
Tel: 212-243-2735
Open Thurs-Sun 1-6pm 
© 601Artspace, 2018