Jia Sung
searching/seeking (interior spread), 2021
ink and pencil on paper
5" x 8"
searching/seeking is my translation in poetry comic format of the Song Dynasty female poet Li Qingzhao's poem Xun Xun Mi Mi. Li wrote eloquently about grief, loss, and melancholy, particularly in the wake of the death of her husband. I found this poem particularly moving and poignant in the context of pandemic and the radical shifts and losses we have faced in our communities.
searching/seeking (interior spread), 2021
ink and pencil on paper
5" x 8"
searching/seeking is my translation in poetry comic format of the Song Dynasty female poet Li Qingzhao's poem Xun Xun Mi Mi. Li wrote eloquently about grief, loss, and melancholy, particularly in the wake of the death of her husband. I found this poem particularly moving and poignant in the context of pandemic and the radical shifts and losses we have faced in our communities.
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